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Time Travel and its Quantum Entanglement with the Edge of the Universe (How Time Travel Works)

time moves slower at origination and continually slows as it warps forward to the edge of the universe where new time is being created and is connected to the edge of the universe through quantum entanglement, the future already exist beyond the point of the oldest observation, its the lack of knowing how to decode the quantum data that limits most humans from knowledge of the future, as our star passes through gates in the distance between origination and the edge of the universe it micro novas as all stars in the universe do simultaneously and dumps the knowledge of the past eroding the quantum entanglement to the origination of time allowing segments of time gates to move closer to the quantum connection that exist into the future, 1940, physicist John Wheeler came up with a novel new theory that might explain why all electrons are identical this fact was discovered by Charles Hapgood and is reflected in his theories about earth crust displacement that have been proved through Paleo-climatology meaning that the Earth physically flips and reverses its rotation, the measuring of an electrons creation and loss is used to measure the time displacement caused as our star moves through the time gates as well as the polar magnetic reversals give an indication to how many logs exist between the micro nova and simultaneous physical reversal, this is what troubled Einstein because as he realized the connection of time through gates which he called worm holes but could not connect with his idea of light speed and limits he gave energy moving though time and space, Einstein could not prove the existence of this data loss from origination and the connection of his present time to the future or edge of the universe and could not provide an exact equation to determine the micro nova and physical reversal of the earth that he found to exist but just as cold is simply the removal of heat he could not prove the loss of data proving the time between gates or his worm holes because it simply no longer existed (you don’t know what you don’t know), the closest the average human can observe the quantum entangled future is in a dream state allowing more delta connections this is the technique that all known future visionaries have used, this became know by the CIA while studies were done from information obtained by raiding Nazi scientist offices and led to the LSD projects aka “men who stare at goats” In 1963 a man named Chan Thomas wrote a book called ‘The Adam & Eve Story’ which would almost immediately be banned and classified by the CIA Charles Hapgood invented a dis-information campaign that successfully buried the work completed by Chan Thomas and hid the fact of all of the above 1990 the work was picked up by Deutsch reduced density matrix in his self consistency condition, what holds back most physicist is the false idea of dark matter which most physicist declare exist but can not claim in any way with equations but only some blind miss-guided faith created by pride which is the true limit of the human mind, REFERENCE PROVEN STUDY OF QUANTUM PHYSICS: Bell’s theorem proves that quantum physics is incompatible with local hidden-variable theories.It was introduced by physicist John Stewart Bell in a 1964 paper titled “On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox”, referring to a 1935 thought experiment that Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen used to argue that quantum physics is an “incomplete” theory.


March 21, 2021

William Daniel Cleveland