Politicians are those whom gain desired power, control and a lifestyle free from manual labor and fear of loss by legislating away power, control, prosperity and a comfortable life away from those whom produce.

Danny Cleveland

A Judge is a Lawyer that could not make it in the Free Enterprise System.

Danny Cleveland

Its the job of a Judge to punish and sentence persons that endanger the desired power, control and lifestyle enjoyed by politicians and their associates.

Danny Cleveland

Governments are created to protect a class of people that take money and property from those whom create money and property.

Danny Cleveland

The best way to remove the power of Government and its Officials is to take away its funding and policing ability.

Danny Cleveland

A Government is a living entity that feeds on the money and property of its taxpayers, starve the Government and it will die or completely yield to its taxpayers; careful not to ever feed it again!

Danny Cleveland

A person that has allowed a Government or Politician to manage them has freely given themselves to slavery and control.

Danny Cleveland

Why are you trying to impress someone that you can not impress, you are removing your time, money and property from yourself and your family and giving it to a hole in an outhouse.

Danny Cleveland

If you are impressed by someone or something, study and ask yourself: Why am I impressed?, are they doing good or evil,, make a decision to learn and reproduce these impressive things or to avoid them at all cost.

Danny Cleveland

Its a great life if you don’t weaken, aren’t many who strive to be strong.

Danny Cleveland

If you always do what your supposed to do you will always get what you are supposed to get,, if you always do what you are not supposed to do you will always get what you don’t want.

Danny Cleveland

Ask God to protect you while you are doing good and productive things, don’t expect God to produce the productive things you might pray for.

Danny Cleveland

While doing wrong or evil things, you might prosper and rise for a while,, when God strikes you down you will fall and suffer hard and long.

Danny Cleveland

Hear the words and observe the actions of fools and morons in an effort to learn how to stay out of snares and traps set by the demons that harass and posses them.

Danny Cleveland

Don’t speak to or answer questions from fools or morons as they are surrounded and entangled with demons that wish to snare you.

Danny Cleveland

Be careful of those known as faggots, homosexuals, gays, fairies, lesbians, transsexuals, androgynous, self-identified as something other than as they were born ,, they have welcomed and protect demons that possess them and are an abomination to God and our Savior Lord Jesus Christ.

Danny Cleveland

Never allow yourself to get into debt, it makes you a willing slave and teaches your family and friends to become slaves as well.

Danny Cleveland

If you desire a home, build it yourself.

Danny Cleveland

If you buy land with lots of trees, you can mill the trees into lumber and build a house almost for free.

Danny Cleveland

If you build a home beginning with a twenty by twenty foot room and build a new twenty by twenty foot room addition onto it each year for ten years you will have a four thousand square foot house.

Danny Cleveland

If you are hungry learn to hunt, fish, grow a garden, grow trees that bare nuts and fruit,, prepare and cook your own food,,, there is plenty if you are willing to do the work..

Danny Cleveland

Abraham Lincoln did not free a race of shackled slaves he created a nation of slaves with invisible shackles.

Danny Cleveland

hacking our minds with false narratives and incorrect history in an effort to make us as ignorant as possible and question the veracity of everything we see and hear until the real truth is just gas floating away

Danny Cleveland

If you have no faith or belief in God and Jesus, survival knowledge, protection from those that might harm you, shelter, food, water, electricity, two way radio communication, transportation, basic medical supplies,, and are waiting on someone or something to provide,, your about to be in a bad place if your not already.

Danny Cleveland