Exclusive offer, use Coupon CODE: teleview and take $50 dollars off each EMP Shield unit purchased,
no limits! Whole House Lightning/Surge/CME/EMP protection device
Make your own tax free lumber for pennies per board, I can make fifteen 2x4s for less than a dollar
Portable Generator that will power your entire home for less money
220V with 50A Delivery
Home Backup Portable Generator
wired into your breaker box (by a licensed electrician)
this generator is powerful enough to power your home and keep
your family comfortable, I use mine to run hot water heater, washer, drier, refrigerator, freezer, microwave, two eyes on electric range or one eye and oven, all indoor lights, three large outdoor security lights, security cameras, four 50inch tvs, three computers, charge phones, tablets, lots more