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Very bad things will happen soon, read this entire document.


This information and time line below, display the persons and events that have been helping the devil to spread evil on earth and harm humanity, as well as identifying

persons and their wisdom that have tried to help and warn humanity in an effort to save souls from damnation.

Let the reader understand: I wrote this section last, prior to the last of my research I was not given the full knowledge.

I have been provided knowledge of who the anti-christ is, how and why it has come

I do not know why I was given the knowledge or why now

1) Very shortly (I have no idea how much time will pass), but it will not be long) after this information is made known to “Those who have the ability to understand”

the anti-christs protector on earth: Queen Elizabeth II, will die,, a certain amount of persons must read this and they will know immediately it is fact, a certain

amount will immediately laugh and scowl uncontrollably but will not be able to remove this information from their mind, a certain amount that are demon possessed will

seek to do harm.

2) Withing an amount of time that is so short it can not be measured by humans the anti-christ Barack Hussein Obama II “The hands of the devil” former President of the

United States of America will rise and the three identifying characteristics explained by Jesuit Priest, Father Malachi Martin in the text below will be made manifest

3) Terrible things worse than the human mind can imagine will take place

I now know the anti-christ is Barack Hussein Obama II “The hands of the devil” former President of the United States of America

I now know the anti-christ protector on earth is Queen Elizabeth II
Prior to Barack Hussein Obama II being made know to me I had a vision provided to me in dream form

I saw a dark tall and slim male figure standing  beside a female that I could see very clearly in color

The female was shorter than the other figure, she had redish hair and  blue/green eyes and she was wearing a baby blue dress

they were standing on a balcony with french style or multi-pane doors behind them

the male figure’s right hand holding the left hand of the female with them raised up high over their heads between them in victory overlooking a large croud

the crowd seemed to be worshiping them

everything was gray looking in high detail except for the female that was in color but low detail in the face and the black male figure (imagine looking at a silhouette

cut out of a pitch black paper stock)

I was given the knowledge that the female helped bring the male figure to power and without her he would have not made it

I was given the knowledge that the male figure was away from God and was demonic and wished to absorb life, love and the spirit from everyone and everything

Important Note: as soon as I saw Barack Hussein Obama II “The hands of the devil” on TV, The vision I was given stopped, I knew the dark figure was in fact Barack

Hussein Obama II “The hands of the devil”,,, I did not realize the female was Queen Elizabeth II until I did this research,, prior to knowing it was her I suspected it

was Hillary Clinton
Identifying the anti-christ explained by -Jesuit Priest, Father Malachi Martin

1) The world will be faced with problems that are unsolvable with our current technology and wisdom

2) There will be a man visible, tangible with a name and identity and he will have the solutions

3) People will turn to him and say, “you must be divine” and they will worship him and he will say,”yes, I am, kneel and kiss my feet”
To have a better grasp of this information READ: The Naked Communist is a 1958 anti-communist book by American faith-based political theorist W. Cleon Skousen, a former

FBI employee. The book has been reprinted several times, most recently in a 2017 printing through Izzard Ink

The main subject of the book is an alleged communist plot to overcome and control all of the world’s governments through the implementation of social progressivism and

by undermining American foreign policy through the promotion of internationalism and pacifism. The early chapters of the book cover the philosophy of Marxist and Soviet

communism as well as some of the history of communist power in various countries including the Soviet Union and Cuba.
Why has Evil increased and spread so rapidly over the past 80 years or so? answer = the anti-christ physical humanoid body was born, has lived and now is dying,, what

did Jesus tell us the devil would do when the devils end was near?
Tools to make normally loving people go out and kill others when given free range (mind control and the shifting of thoughts)

Do you think the movie “The Purge” was entertainment or training?

Racism is a powerful hate tool

Why do you think your seeing so many commercials containing non-christian views (homosexual couples, race mixing, single moms that are happier than being married, one

race framed as better or less than the other, gender neutrality, critical race theory, constant re-hashing of past wrongs that haven’t existed in decades)

Why is all this cyber hacking being allowed to take place and why is it increasing so rapidly?

What would scare the world into total demonic slavery? , , , ,

Why would the devil try and take control of the world and all humanity and, by what method?

Convince a large percentage of humanity that the devil and evil never existed.

Turn humanity to look to the devil for solutions to their problems.


Convince humanity that they are filthy nasty creatures and just a problem = Man Made Global Warming

Endless conflict, war, hate, racism, false security you know MONEY, happiness from having tangible items, control and power over others, a better life through taking

instead of giving.
1884 May 13 following his morning Mass, Pope Leo XIII became traumatized to the point that he collapsed. Those in attendance thought that he was dead. After coming to

consciousness, the Pope described a frightful conversation that he had heard coming from near the tabernacle. The conversation consisted of two voices – voices which

Pope Leo XIII clearly understood to be the voices of Jesus Christ and the devil. The devil boasted that he could destroy the Church, if he were granted 75 years to

carry out his plan (or 100 years, according to some accounts). The devil also asked permission for “a greater influence over those who will give themselves to my

service.” To the devil’s requests, Our Lord reportedly replied: “you will be given the time and the power.”

Shaken deeply by what he had heard, Pope Leo XIII composed the following original Prayer to St. Michael (which is also a prophecy) and ordered it to be recited after

all Low Masses as a protection for the Church against the attacks from Hell. (The Original Prayer was taken from The Raccolta, 1930, Benzinger Bros., pp. 314-315. The

Raccolta is an imprimatured collection of the official and indulgenced prayers of the Catholic Church.)
1875 June 11 George Herbert “Bert” Walker Sr. “The demons vesicle” is born on earth

George Herbert “Bert” Walker Sr. is the father of an entire lineage of “perfectly demon possessed” humans. He was an American banker and businessman. He was the

maternal grandfather of President George H. W. Bush and a great-grandfather of President George W. Bush, both of whom were named in his honor.

Walker started a banking and investment firm named G.H. Walker & Co. in 1900.  His family developed many international banking contacts. This business would

create a very powerful financial and political strong hold for the devil to bring about a long string of events to help spread evil and create protections for the anti christ.
1895 May 15 Prescott Sheldon Bush aka “The Seed of Evil” is born

After working as a Wall Street executive investment banker, he represented Connecticut in the United States Senate from 1952 to 1963. Prescott Sheldon Bush was the

father of former Vice President and President George H. W. Bush, and the paternal grandfather of former Texas Governor and President George W. Bush and former

Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Bush won election to the Senate in a 1952 special election, narrowly defeating Democratic nominee Abraham Ribicoff. In the Senate, Bush

staunchly supported President Dwight D. Eisenhower and helped enact legislation to create the Interstate Highway System. Bush won re-election in 1956 but declined to

seek re-election in 1962, retiring from the Senate the following year. He was a known member,, as all later Male Bush family member are, of Skull and Bones (a

fraternity of perfectly demonic possessed individuals)

Interesting Facts: July 1942, Prescott Sheldon Bush aka “The Seed of Evil” was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders. A subsequent government

investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the bank did have the Nazi Gold, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with

the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II. Journalist Duncan Campbell pointed out documents showing that Prescott Bush was a director and

shareholder of a number of companies involved with the holdings of and for the Nazi Gold. I wonder if the investigators that disproved the allegations got lined up and shot??????
1903 The devils plans are detected

The first speech that Pope Pius X later Saint Pius X, gave from the throne of St. Peter was a prophetic heralding of the imminence of this “restoration” by declaring

that which precedes it— the Antichrist or “Son of Perdition” whom he said, “may be already in the world.” Widespread violence had made “it seem as though strife were universal”
December 1913 Edward Mandell House (chief adviser to President Woodrow Wilson) made sure the Federal Reserve Act was quietly passed. Now the rising group of demon

possessed elite have the power to create money to the bankers whom they already control.
February 1914 16th Amendment was ratified. This Amendment created the federal income tax in order to have tax revenues to pay the debt for the money loaned to the

government by the bankers. Slavery has been recreated.
1914 28 July World War I begins The immediate cause of World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinandof Austria-Hungary.

In June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke. Their first attempt failed when a driver avoided a

grenade thrown at their car. However, later that day a Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Principassassinated him and his wife while they were in Sarajevo, Bosnia which

was part of Austria-Hungary. This was in protest to Austria-Hungary having control of this region. Serbia wanted to take over Bosnia and Herzegovina. This assassination

led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia. When Russia began to mobilize due to its alliance with Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia. Thus began the expansion

of the war to include all those involved in the mutual defense alliances
1918 11 November World War I ends estimated 10 million military deaths and another 20 million wounded
1921 Lead up to horrific world events

1) Paul Warburg founded the Council on Foreign Relations (This is the most demonic political power group of the entire world)
“We shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent”-Paul Warburg

The current members of these groups and the previous ones make it easy to see how powerful they are. Members include almost all the U.S. Presidential candidates from both political parties, congresspersons, senators, and the top officials at the CIA, FBI, and the NSA. Members include the captains of industry, leaders of defense organizations, Supreme Court justices, generals, and admirals.

Just like the Bilderberg Group, the extent and reach of the powerful members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission have influenced the globe for decades.

It makes very little difference who is the President in the White House because these power brokers are the ones really in charge. In most cases, without their approval and support, there is no way to get elected.

2) David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission. These organizations are similar to the Bilderberg Group. David Rockefeller is a member of all three.
1926 Jan 8 Abdulaziz Ibn Saud becomes King of Nejd and Hejaz; forerunner of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
*Financial gains that give Queen Elizabeth II power over the entire world are created
What the elite want

The common goal of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group is the creation of a one world government with a central global financial system. The two

groups work together. The Council on Foreign Relations works on the U.S. side with the Bilderberg Group working on the European side.

The long-term goal for the Bilderberg Group is a borderless world, with no nation states, ruled by a one world government that is controlled by the super elite.
What does the devil want real bad? Skip down to down in this little timeline to 1954 and take a look.

**whenever Queen Elizabeth II does something, the world goes bump,, just research her life.

The anti-christ needs certain things to be in-place,,, every time something happens in Queen Elizabeth II’s life there is a ripple that happens all over the world

Queen Elizabeth II is born 1926 21 April *** Everything Speeds UP

Jan 26 John Logie Baird gives the first public demonstration of television in his laboratory in London
*Queen Elizabeth II’s power and control will be seen world wide for the entirety of her life at ever increasing speeds and by more and more means

Jan 27 US Senate agrees to join World Court
*Queen Elizabeth II will have the ability to create rules and laws that the rest of the world will be forced to follow ((influence over the entire world))

Jan 27 Physicist Erwin Schrödinger publishes his theory of wave mechanics and presents what becomes known as the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics
*This single event propels science further and faster than it has ever gone before giving creation to devices that produce evil

Feb 4 Austrian chancellor Seipel wants to join Germany
*Political cogs of true evil

Feb 8 German Reichstag decides to apply for League of Nations membership
*Wolves at the door

Mar 6 China asks for a seat on the Security council
*Further galvanizing and linking Queen Elizabeth II’s political control, demons locking hands

Mar 15 Belgium’s “black monday”, franc falls
*Changing monetary systems to her control

Apr 3 Second flight of a liquid-fueled rocket by Robert Goddard
*The ability to destroy humans is expanding by leaps and bounds

Apr 7 Mussolini is shot at 3 times by Violet Gibson in Rome, she only hits him once in the nose
*Indicator that, as bad as he is, there is a new kid on the block taking all the favor the devil can muster and leaving the old soldiers of evil un-protected

Apr 26 Germany & Russia sign neutrality peace treaty
*Massive deception is taking place world wide and will lead to war very soon

May 20 Congress passes Air Commerce Act, licensing of pilots & planes
*First real test of government to control every aspect of human life and leads the governments ability to eventually take all freedoms

May 28 US Customs Court created by congress
*Second real test of government to control every aspect of human life. Now they control the movement of all goods and services that humans can produce. Everything is taxed and controlled centrally.

Aug 22 Gold discovered in Johannesburg, South Africa
*Further enriches Queen Elizabeth II’s purse to create more financial control over the world economy and speed up “The New World Order”

Sep 9 National Broadcasting Company created by Radio Corporation of America
*Spreading of Queen Elizabeth II’s influence will be strengthened

Oct 9 NBC (National Broadcasting Corporation) forms
*Creation of the linked communication system to spread Queen Elizabeth II’s influence world wide instantly

Nov 22 Imperial Conference ends, giving autonomy inside British Commonwealth
*This will give Queen Elizabeth II the ability to control with perpetuity and she can never be punished for wrong doing

MAJOR FACT: Everything in the world accelerated the day Queen Elizabeth II was born. Prior to her being born we lived a life that was largely UN-changed for thousands

of years.  The invention and use of the internal combustion engine and electricity happened just before her birth and have been the primary industries for her financial

expansion. Without the internal combustion engine and the use of electricity I doubt that evil would have ever spread so fast.
1927  Harriman Brothers & Company an international banking and investment company owned and operated by the Bush Family formally known as W.A. Harriman & Co became rich

in assets from their German and Russian business, merged with the British-American investment house Brown Bros. & Co. on January 1, 1931. Walker retired to his own G.H.

Walker & Co. This left the Harriman brothers, his son-in-law Prescott Bush and Thatcher M. Brown as senior partners of the new firm of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. The

firm’s London branch continued operating under its historic name Brown, Shipley & Co.

In other words, the Bush family made a heap of money funding the war on both sides during World War I and World War II and should have been hung for treason,, I guess

the devil protects its servants.
1930 George Soros “The devils earth based physical body strategist and provider of financial/geo-politial influence” is born

George Soros, a chief financial supporter of Antifa, was himself a Nazi collaborator and to this day has no regrets

George Soros admits in an interview that he was taken in by a Nazi and helped the Nazi identify and kill fellow Jews and says he has no regrets

Interesting Fact: George Soros admits speaking in an interview the above information but several so called fact check services state that it never happened and is in no

way true,,, how does it come from his own mouth and its not true?????
1934, Pope Leo’s original prayer was changed, without explanation
1936 17 December  Jorge Mario Bergoglio later to become Pope Francis the false Pope mentioned in profacy to be the Pope that encourages the Catholic Church its members

and all of the world to follow and worship the anti-christ
1939 September 1 The official start of World War II Germany invades Poland
1944 December 26 Bill Ayers “The devils homosexual whore” is born, domestic terrorist, inventor of common core curriculum, founder of the Weather Underground and the

homosexual lover of future President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II
1945 September 2 The official ends of World War II marked by the surrender of Japan to the USA
1945 24 October The United Nations is formed

This will be the governing body for the anti-christ New World Order

The UN is based in New York in the US. However, there are three major satellite offices for the UN in Geneva, Switzerland; Nairobi, Kenya; and Vienna, Austria.

Part of the UN is known as the World’s Bank

United Nations headquarters located in New York City. The complex has served as the official headquarters of the United Nations since its completion in 1952. That

building, land was built and owned by the Rockafellers and donated to the United nations during its formation. The United nations owns the building and property since then and is tax exempt.
1946 August 19 William Jefferson Blythe III later named William Jefferson Clinton aka “Bill” (The devils salesman) is born at Julia Chester Hospital in Hope, Arkansas

to a self-professed Whore Virginia Dell Cassidy aka call girl Virginia Kelley and a Negro Mulatto father William Jefferson Blythe Jr. who was also a bigamous traveling

salesman. Interesting fact: Negro Mulatto father William Jefferson Blythe Jr. died in an automobile accident three months before the birth of William Jefferson Clinton.

Was the devil trying to snub out Negro Mulatto father William Jefferson Blythe Jr. for a specific reason or is this just coincidence ?????? Hum
1946 George Walker Bush “The devils Sleeper Agent” is born
1952 Feb 6 Queen Elizabeth II succeeds King George VI to the British throne and proclaimed Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms including Canada,

Australia and New Zealand

*Her power is set,, and has never been challenged by those whom could have taken it (the men in the family)

Apr 1 Big Bang theory proposed in Physical Review by Alpher, Bethe & Gamow

*Science is pushing hard to remove God from the equation of life,, WHY? who is paying for the publicity of this IDEA??

May 7 The concept of the integrated circuit, the basis for all modern computers, is first published by Geoffrey Dummer
*The devil has given man the knowledge of creating an artificial life and the ability to further expand evil world wide at light speed

Nov 1 “Ivy Mike”, the first thermonuclear weapon to utilize the H-bomb design of Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, is detonated in the Marshall Islands, Pacific Ocean
*WOW look what we made,, from the devils technology

Oct 7 Vladimir Putin is born
*AKA “The Devils Finger”

* Chinese Zodiac: Dragon: the fifth animal sign in Chinese zodiac, corresponds to the earthly branch Chen (辰) and belongs to Earth (土) in five elements. In traditional

Chinese culture, Dragon is a symbol of imperial power and represents dignity and honor, also marks fortune and success. In ancient Chinese mythology

** Famous DRAGONS:::     Charles Darwin: born on February 12, 1809, an Earth Dragon, Bruce Lee: born on November 27, 1940, a Gold Dragon, John Lennon: born on October

9, 1940, a Gold Dragon, Vladimir Putin: born on October 7, 1952, a Water Dragon, Martin Luther King Jr., Alexei Nikolaevich, Che Guevara, John Gotti, Reinhard Heydrich,

Andy Warhol, Nancy Pelosi, Harvey Weinstein, Hosni Mubarak, Pee-wee Herman, Kamala Harris, Roseanne Barr, Prince Edward, Jeb Bush, Haider al-Abadi, Stephen Colbert,

Anthony Fauci, Larry Fink, and the little clown devil himself John Leguizamo
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II    2 June 1953

*Important NOTE: She is only an (heir presumptive:  person entitled to inherit a throne, peerage, or other hereditary honour, but whose position can be displaced by the

birth of an heir apparent or of a new heir presumptive with a better claim to the position in question)

*Important Questions: Isn’t it odd how Queen Elizabeth II came in power,, isn’t it more odd how she remains in power?

*Important NOTE: Queen Elizabeth II is the longest-lived and longest-reigning British monarch, the longest-serving female head of state in world history

The first conference was held at the Bilderberg Hotel (Hotel de Bilderberg) in Oosterbeek , Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954. The hotel gave its name both to the

group and to the “Bilderbergers” who participate in its activities. The hotel is situated in a quiet location, approximately 7km west of the city of Arnhem.

Queen Elizabeth II is the secret head of the Bilderbergers.
Current Goals Set By the Bilderberg Group

***One clear mission of the Bilderberg Group is the end of national sovereignty. this is an on-going effort

***Bilderberg Group wants to create an Internet ID and a global tax on online financial transactions and travel by air. The justification for the Internet ID is that it

would improve cybersecurity, reduce fraud, and make it easier to receive government services. Critics of the plan say that the Internet ID is a virtual passport, which

would remove the ability to obtain Internet services anonymously. This “big brother” way to track everything a person does online will make political dissent impossible.

Now Queen Elizabeth II has the power to end it all

In the early and dangerous days of the Cold War, the only two powers who had acquired thermonuclear weapons were the Soviet Union and the United States. The UK was a

nuclear power, having detonated an atomic bomb in 1952, but it was behind the others powers in technology. That changed in 1957, when the UK conducted nine nuclear

tests under the name Operation Grapple, and joined the thermonuclear (or hydrogen) club as the third member.
1959 The first real test of Population Reduction using Epidemics begins The earliest known case of infection with HIV-1 in a human was detected in a blood sample

collected in 1959 from a man in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. (How he became infected is not known.)
1960 Media Censorship,, Now that they have things going so perfectly they must tighten control on free thinking and expand the mind control campaine

A Bilderberg member, Richard Salant, who was President of CBS News during the 1960s and the 1970s, explained the Bilderberg Group’s influence on media. Salant said,

“Our job is not to give people what they want, but what we decide they should have.”
1960ish Bill Ayers “The devils homosexual whore” domestic terrorist and homosexual lover of future President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II

invents the idea of common core curriculum to dumb down the population of the USA and destroy it from within
1961 August 4 Barack Hussein Obama II “The hands of the devil” is born into the world
1963 The False Pope: PAUL VI became the first Black Magick Pope. He was a big supporter of The New World Order and suspected homosexual Vatican Assassins details the

first major event to then occur: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

To understand what was going on at the time read: “Windswept House: A Vatican Novel”, by Malachi Martin

The Cold War has ended. With a scope and daring not possible until now, an unlikely international alliance of top-level political, financial, and religious interests

sees the way clear at last to its ultimate goal: the establishment of a single global society. Utopia.

* In his book “Windswept House”, Malachi Martin (formerly an exorcist) reports that on June 29, ’63, the night before Paul VI’s coronation, a black mass was celebrated

and satan was enthroned in the Vatican!

These are men with nothing in common but immense power and a towering ambition for still more. With world unity and prosperity as their slogan–and with betrayal,

scandal, and murder as their ready weapons–they have the means and the will to capture as their own the perfect global machinery for their plans: the oldest, wiliest,

and most stable political chancery in the world–the Vatican.

At the vortex of this lethal struggle stands the embattled Pope, a geopolitical genius whose elimination is the short-term solution to a long-term goal, and two

American brothers, Paul and Christian Gladstone, one a lawyer and the other a priest, who appear to be the perfect pawns. One falls prey to the sharp teeth of greed for

power. The other will become one of the Slavic Pontiff’s closest allies…and will discover the darkest secrets at the very heart of papal Rome.

From America to Europe to Russia, in broad landscapes and clandestine corridors, a rich and varied cast–presidents and politicos, simple saints and savvy sinners,

popes and pope-makers–clash with one another amid dramatic and sometimes bloody events that will affect the destiny of every person alive today.
” The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be

fulfilled. As the principal agents of this Ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment

when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul [Pope Paul VI]. That requirement–the signal that the Availing Time had begun–had been accomplished just eight days

before with the election of the latest Peter-in-the-Line.” -Jesuit Priest, Father Malachi Martin
1969 the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group that sought to overthrow imperialism is formed by Bill Ayers “The devils homosexual whore”

domestic terrorist and homosexual lover of future President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II

During the 1960s, Ayers was a leader of the Weather Underground militant group, described by the FBI as a terrorist group, that opposed US involvement in the Vietnam

War. He is known for his 1960s radical activism and invented common core to do harm to the USA using the children as his instrument.

Weather Underground carried out violent actions against the government, including bombings at NYPD headquarters, the U.S. Capitol building, the Pentagon and a San

Francisco police station, while Ayers (and his wife, fellow Weather Underground member Bernardine Dohrn) went into hiding to evade the FBI

Ayers was never actually convicted of setting any bombs or killing anyone.
1973 Jimmy Carter aka “the devils cry baby” and at the time President of the United States of America  one of if not the greatest cheerleader for the New World Order

and supporter of the anti-christ The Bilderberg Group starts its process to build its empire by the creation of Trade Zones and Trade Agreement that benefits the

multinational corporations. They have little interest in any improving the economic levels for the lower classes as long as there are enough of them are able to buy

their products.
1976 Population Reduction using Epidemics re-tested Ebola virus was first described in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
1991 – George Bush Sr. aka Bush 41 Promotes a New World Order before Congress

he claimed that a “new world was coming into view,” one that would define the way the globe worked. Bush called this the “New World Order.” To some, this may seem like

an ominous term associated with Illuminati and yes he is with the Illuminati.

watch this video and just after the 2min mark you will hear it
1991 Bilderberg group meeting in Baden, Germany

NOTE: attended by future President of the United States of America Bill Clinton

David Rockefeller:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their

promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of

publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . .  The supranational sovereignty of an

intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
1992 Queen Elizabeth II’s horrible year

“1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure,”-Queen Elizabeth II

The devil hates attention. NOW, the devils anti-christ is under the magnifying glass and people begin to notice the evil that surrounds Queen Elizabeth II.

Windsor Castle had caught fire, suffering extensive damage. The royal family had been beset by tabloid scandals and public splits: To the general public, the royal

family appeared a mess, its ‘fairy-tale’ reputation ruined.  On March 19 the Queen’s second son Prince Andrew, Duke of York, separated from his wife Sarah “Fergie”

Ferguson, the Duchess of York. April 23, the Queen’s daughter Princess Anne divorced her husband, Captain Mark Phillips. June 8, Andrew Morton’s tell-all book Diana:

Her True Story — written with input and co-operation from the Princess herself — was published. The book “forever changed the way the public viewed the British

monarchy.”Pedophilia, Rape, Homosexuality….Drugs..Anger, Rage.. all traces of evil.  August 20, pictures of Fergie, Duchess of York sunbathing topless and being

kissed on the feet by her friend and financial adviser John Bryan were splashed across the tabloids. You have to wonder, did they burn the castle to draw attention away

from the scandals and hope to create sympathy for the devil?
1992 Bilderberg Group meeting, Henry Kissinger said: “Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be

grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or imagined, that threatened our very existence. It is then

that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil….individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their

well-being granted to them by their world government.”
1993 William Jefferson Clinton aka “Bill” (The devils salesman) is made President of the United States of America

Interesting Historical Fact: This is the first know President of the United States to admit he was born to a self-professed Whore, Virginia Dell Cassidy aka call girl

Virginia Kelley and a Negro Mulatto father William Jefferson Blythe Jr. who was also a bigamous traveling salesman. Looking at William Jefferson Clinton’s aka “Bill”

daughter Chelsea Clinton you might notice the Nego facial features she had as a youth and later removed with plastic surgery.
1994 David Rockefeller was quoted at a U.N. dinner as saying, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations

will accept the New World Order.”
1994 Bill Ayers “The devils homosexual whore” domestic terrorist and homosexual lover of future President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II

founded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), an education foundation (This was the real start of Common Core,, look what it did to Chicago alone during this time)

This was the test to see if it would actually work

Important Fact: from 1995 to 1999 the head of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) was Barack Obama II “The hands of the devil”, he stayed on the board until 2001 and

later is made President of the United States of America

The Fund existed and still exists to carry on the work of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge — that work being the expansion of Theodore Sizer’s Coalition of Essential

Schools, the reform movement that now (even absent Common Core) indoctrinates students in several states and districts nationwide with a Marxist-Communist political,

moral and social ideology
1997 William Jefferson Clinton aka “Bill” (The devils salesman) is made President of the United States of America for the second time

Interesting FACT: he was the first Democratic president to be re-elected to a second term since Franklin Roosevelt in 1936
1997 Murder- Death of Diana, Princess of Wales Queen Elizabeth II’s former daughter-in-law
2001 George Walker Bush “The devils Sleeper Agent” is is made President of the United States of America
2001 loose of freedom = (The Patriot ACT)  9 11 series of airline hijackings and suicide attacks committed in 2001 by 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist

group al-Qaeda against targets in the United States, the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history. The attacks against New York City and

Washington, D.C., caused extensive death and destruction and triggered an enormous U.S. effort to combat terrorism. Some 2,750 people were killed in New York, 184 at

the Pentagon, and 40 in Pennsylvania (where one of the hijacked planes crashed after the passengers attempted to retake the plane); all 19 terrorists died (see

Researcher’s Note: September 11 attacks). Police and fire departments in New York were especially hard-hit: hundreds had rushed to the scene of the attacks, and more

than 400 police officers and firefighters were killed.

fear of death = The War on Terror started 2001 and continues probably until the return of Jesus,, NOTE: this is the most successful war campaign ever and has benefited

the Bilderberg Members and world banks rapidly spreading up and ushering in “The New World Order”
2002 The European Union a great milestone for the New World Order and the anti-christ

Even though the Bilderberg Group’s goal is one world government, they realize this can only be achieved one step at a time. They have already worked on this goal for

decades. The steady progress can be seen by studying the historical timeline of the things that led to the formation of the European Union (EU), which are:

December 1951, six nations formed the European Coal and Steel Community.

March 1957, six nations signed the Treaty of Rome to form the European Economic Community (ECC) and a second treaty to form the European Atomic Energy Commission (EAEC).

October 1957, the European Court of Justice was formed to handle trade disputes.

May 1960, seven nations formed the European Free Trade Association.

July 1967 saw a merger of the EAEC, the ECSC, with the European Economic Community (EEC).

During 1968, the European Customs Union was formed to abolish duties and establish uniform import taxes for EEC nations.

In 1978, the European Currency Unit was created (later changed to the Euro).

The February 1992 Maastricht Treaty creating the EU on November 1, 1993, and Euros began circulating on January 2002. Euros are now the official currency of 16 of the

27 EU states. It took over 50 years for the members of the EU to lose their sovereignty. Up to 80% of European laws now are created by nameless, unelected bureaucrats

working in or Luxembourg or Brussels. The Bilderbergers are extremely patient in achieving their long terms goals.
2004 Jan 1 Pope John Paul II promotes the new world order

Interesting Fact: not long after that speech he died April 2, 2005 Cause of Death: Septic shock and irreversible cardio-circulatory collapse
2005 George Walker Bush “The devils Sleeper Agent” is is made President of the United States of America for the second time
2005 The tearing down of nations and boarders is working and speeding up

President George Bush’s ranch, a secret meeting was held between Bush, Mexico’s President Vincente Fox, and Canada’s Prime Minister Paul Martin. They signed the

agreement to form the North American Union (NAU).
2005-12-25 Pope Benedict XVI promotes the New World Order

Interesting Fact: is famous for protecting pedophile catholic priest, he resigned as pope in 2013
2006 American housing market collapse. This will allow them to re-set national economies into a new alignment with reduced national sovereignty and increased efficiency.
2008 Bill Gates “The devel’s bitch” Two men–Gene Wilhoit and David Coleman–went to see Bill Gates in 2008 to ask him to underwrite national standards. He agreed, and within two years, the standards were written and adopted by almost every state in the nation.

This is the closest thing to an educational coup in the history of the United States.

Bill Gates was able to underwrite a swift revolution. It happened so quickly that there was very little debate or discussion. Almost every consequential education group was funded by the Gates Foundation to study or promote the Common Core standards. Whereas most businesses would conduct pilot testing of a major new product, there was no pilot testing of the Common Core. These national standards were written with minimal public awareness or participation, and at least one state–Kentucky–adopted them before the final draft was finished.

What made the Gates’ coup possible was the close relationship between the Gates Foundation and the Obama administration. When the administration launched its Race to the Top competition, it issued a list of things that states had to do to be eligible for a share of $4.35 billion. One was to agree to adopt “college and career ready standards.” Administration officials, Layton writes, originally planned to specify that states had to adopt the Common Core, still not yet finished, but were warned to use the term “college and career ready,” to avoid the appearance of imposing the Common Core (which was their intent). Leave aside for the moment the fact that it is illegal for any federal official to attempt to direct, control, or influence curriculum or instruction.

Never before has one man had the wealth, the political connections, and the grand ambition to buy American education. But Bill Gates did it.
2009 Barack Hussein Obama II “The hands of the devil” is made President of the United States of America
2009 The end of Real Education: the NGA convened a group of people to work on developing the standards. This team included David Coleman, William McCallum of the

University of Arizona, Phil Daro, and Student Achievement Partners founders Jason Zimba and Susan Pimentel to write standards in the areas of English and language arts.

Announced on June 1, 2009 the initiative’s stated purpose is to “provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and

parents know what they need to do to help them.” Additionally, “The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and

skills that our young people need for success in college and careers,” which should place American students in a position in which they can compete in a global economy.
2010 Common Core Curriculum aka Common Core State Standards Initiative is adopted by the Governors Council of the USA to be the primary teaching tool and syllabus

creator for all educational systems grade K-12 this is the re-education/dis information educational philosophy/technique/system setup by the New World Order Counsel
2011 September 11 Barack Obama II “The hands of the devil” reads Psalm 46 at the word trade center memorial as if he is reading about himself
calling himself god and he will be exalted on earth

Black nationalists have a long tradition of belief that the black race is God and certain individuals have special roles that are exalted above others in their divinity. Obama caused controversy when he read Psalms 46, which includes the lines “Be still and know that I am God.” and “I will be exalted among the nations.”

This occurred at a memorial for the victims of 9/11 in 2011. Black Liberation Theology, in particular, teaches that the black race is divine. This Psalm appears to have been carefully selected, because it allows him to mouth the words that he is God at this to Americans sacred site. In effect, this can be taken as declaration that Obama is the Mahdi/Messiah at the same time he goes on a campaign of conquest in the Middle East. Obama often treats such public events as an opportunity for the ritualized expression of his Black-Liberation religious beliefs.

It is not uncommon for pathological Narcissists (megalomaniacs) to believe that they are a higher being, prophet or actually God as happens with cult leaders. (See Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Manson, Louis Farrakhan and many others.) Some, such as Sam Vaknin, maintain that Obama has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and is an extreme Narcissist, aka megalomaniac. (See the clip of a Vaknin interview at the bottom of this page.)

James H. Cone canonized Black Liberation Theology, which Jeremiah Wright, Jr. has said on national television is the doctrine of Trinity United Church of Christ. Black Liberation Theology as inspired by the black cult doctrine of the Nation of Islam and has the same basic beliefs. The white race is equated to the Antichrist and the black race is called the manifestation of God on earth.

A millennial utopia, the biblical kingdom on earth, is to be created by the destruction of white society. The “kingdom” is envisioned to be a real political and physical ruling government and not just a spiritual event. So, Black Liberation Theology is formulated as a would-be state religion, which is destined to rule over the earth after the final conflict with “white society.”
2013 Barack Obama II “The hands of the devil” is made President of the United States of America for the second time

Interesting FACT: he was the second Democratic president to be re-elected to a second term since Bill Clinton in 1997 and Franklin Roosevelt in 1936
2013 March 13 Pope Francis the Pope mentioned in profacy to be the false Pope that encourages the Catholic Church its members and all of the world to follow and worship

the anti-christ

Motto: Miserando atque Eligendo (“Lowly but chosen”, literally ‘by having mercy, by choosing him’)

Argentine. First pope to be born outside Europe since Gregory III and the first from the Americas; first pope from the Southern Hemisphere. First pope from a

religious institute since Gregory XVI (1831–1846); first Jesuit pope. First to use a new and non-composed regnal name since Lando (913–914). First pope to visit and

celebrate a mass on the Arabian Peninsula.
2015 Jeb Bush embraces New World Order; Common Core provides global education
2016 June Bilderberg meeting Bilderberg Group was behind Hillary Clinton’s run for president of the United States. Senator Lindsey Graham who is anti-Trump was at that

Bilderberg meeting along with Hillary Clinton. The group set a goal to bring down Donald Trump due to the fact that he was against the North American Union NAFTA and

the European Union and would build a border wall between the USA and Mexico.
2017, Queen Elizabeth II became the first British monarch to reach a Sapphire Jubilee

Queen Elizabeth II is the longest-lived and longest-reigning British monarch, the longest-serving female head of state in world history

The first conference was held at the Bilderberg Hotel (Hotel de Bilderberg) in Oosterbeek , Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954. The hotel gave its name both to the

group and to the “Bilderbergers” who participate in its activities. The hotel is situated in a quiet location, approximately 7km west of the city of Arnhem.

The first Bilderberg meeting was held during 1954. The organization was founded with the intent to create powerful connections between European countries and North

Americans. The meeting is a secretive, informal discussion about global trends with open communication between the elite members of the world who have massive influence

in world affairs.

FYI: The co-founders of the Bilderberg Group were two historical figures with checkered backgrounds. They were Prince Bernhard from the Netherlands and Józef Retinger

who was a political adviser, originally from Poland, who worked with the Vatican.
2019 Population Reduction using Epidemics is expanded world plague = The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the corona virus pandemic, is an ongoing pandemic of

corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute

respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China

food shortage = Started after COVID 19 created by loss of workers getting the job done in all industries,, a true rubber band effect that will snap late 2021 and turn

very bad 2022
2021 VATICAN CITY, March 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – In true globalist phraseology, Pope Francis has called for a “new world order” following the COVID-19 “pandemic.” He

also advocated for global change on “green” issues, warning that “we cannot waste any more time.”
loss of electricity = This is coming soon world wide, they are already testing large areas and are training the military to deal with it

What did Jesus tell us the devil wants to do to all humans ,if given the chance?

The trigger of world events might be traced to: Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926)[a] is Queen of the United Kingdom and 15 other

Commonwealth realms
World War III


We were warned 1958
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh ——Bio and Archives–July 29, 2020

The 45 Goals of Communism W. Cleon Skousen Wrote About in 1958

Sixty-two years ago, W. Cleon Skousen published his book, “The Naked Communist.” At the time, few Americans probably thought that the goals of communism that shaped the Iron Curtain’s socialist countries ruled by the Communist Party and the Soviet satellite countries around the world would become the blueprint of our American society in 2020. In a mere 62 years we have achieved and implemented by various means 44 of the 45 goals of communism Skousen wrote about. (pp. 266-270, 2014 ed.)

In a highly liberal state like Virginia, cars sport various bumper stickers in support of Marxism, progressivism, the proletariat’s air bumping fists, and Coexist with various religious symbols. The leftist message is contradictory as Marxists are atheists, but they seem to approve of the curious alliance between world communism and Islam, while rejecting Christianity. (Goal #1)

Capitulation to peace and accepting nuclear disarmament while Iran is busy making their own nuclear weaponry promotes the leftist idea that destroying the U.S. capability to defend itself against the enemy is “moral strength.” (Goals #2 and #3) The ancient wisdom, Si vis pacem, para bellum, (If you want peace, prepare for war) is entirely rejected. Ardent lefties believe that only U.S. engages in “war mongering,” those who increase their nuclear arsenal are justified to do so.

Communist countries believed six decades ago that the U.N. should be set up as a one world communist government

Politicians and president after president promoted free trade with other nations including communist ones, generally to the detriment of the United States which had been paying heavy taxes on our exported goods to countries like China. We also shipped goods and technology to inimical countries without asking if they would be “used for war.” (Goal #4)

We extended loans and the “most favored nation” status to communist countries and long-term loans to Soviet Union and Soviet Satellites without many strings attached. (Goals #5 and #6)

The West recognized Red China and admitted it to the illustrious United Nations. East and West Germany were established as separate states under the supervision of the U.N. All Soviet satellites were extended individual representation in the U.N. (Goals #7, #8, and #10)

Communist countries believed six decades ago that the U.N. should be set up as a one world communist government. U.N. with its many affiliates are actually dictating today more and more how we do business, live, healthcare, wealth redistribution, climate change policies, housing, schooling, and how we handle pandemics such the Covid-19 one, all under the umbrella of sustainable development of the Agenda 2030 and its 17 sustainable development goals. (Goal #11)

The Communist Party has been outlawed in the former Iron Curtain countries, but it did not disappear. It went underground and regrouped to emerge even more powerful than before, having adopted capitalist ideas and a powerful technocracy, making them more effective than ever before. (Goal #12)

Loyalty oaths in the military, government organizations, and the courts of justice have been trampled in this country time and time again. (Goal #13)

Communists infiltrated the mainstream media, theater, art, movies, sports, and television programming

Enemies from awful dictatorships have been given unfettered access to U.S. patents or stole technology that could be reverse engineered. (Goal #14)

The Democrat Party has been “captured” by the socialist/Marxist ideology and openly advocates the transformation of America from capitalism to socialism, the steppingstone to full communism. (Goal #15)

The courts at all levels have changed our Constitution and reversed Presidential decisions by “claiming their activities violate civil rights.” As a matter of fact, many such organization have taken up the cause of illegal aliens through the courts and through the state and local governments executive orders issued against American citizens’ best interests. (Goal #16)

Since the formation of the Department of Education in 1979 under Jimmy Carter’s administration, school curricula embraced socialist propaganda, diluted the standards of education, the Marxists took control of teacher associations and used textbooks written by self-defined socialists, filled with communist propaganda and revisionist history built around the social justice communist activism. Student newspapers were highjacked. Student riots “fomented public protest” against organizations they deemed as evil capitalism. (Goals #17,18,19)

Communists infiltrated the mainstream media, theater, art, movies, sports, and television programming. The kneeling in organized sports became another form of socialist protest against capitalism. (Goals #20, 21)

American culture is under attack under the moniker “cancel culture,” Publicly shaming people for their “outdated ideas” of patriotism, American exceptionalism, love of country, and its history.

It is not coincidental that BLM and ANTIFA have been destroying statues. Skousen wrote, “An American communist cell was told to ‘eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward, and meaningless forms’ in its stead. (Goal #22)

Discredit the police, defund the police, and transform the power of arrest, law, and order, to social agencies

Art, art critics, museums are to be discredited and beautiful and creative works are to be replaced with “ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.” (Goal #23) Spray painting and toppling beautiful statues because it “offends” the Marxist rioters has become a common occurrence while the mayors tell the police to stand down. (Goal #23)

Obscenity, pornography, promiscuity, and degeneracy are promoted as “normal, natural, and healthy.” Standards of morality are destroyed. (Goals #24, 25, 26)

Atheism and the religion of “social justice” and Mother Earth (Gaia) are replacing faith. Churches are being taken over by Marxist priests propagandizing socialism and social justice to the submissive parishioners, while schools are eliminating religion and prayer from its grounds under the manufactured “separation of church and state” even though they are more than eager to promote and teach Islam in the curriculum. (Goal #27, 28)

Schools and academia have been discrediting the American Constitution as outdated and in need of replacing, perhaps by a U.N. global constitution. The Founding Fathers are presented as “selfish aristocrats.” American culture is belittled, and the teaching of history transformed into a Marxist propaganda in which the “white supremacy” and the “evil white man” must be disposed of and replaced with the manufactured history of Howard Zinn. (Goals #29, 30, 31)

Give education, social agencies, welfare programs, child services, and mental health clinics control over the American culture. Change or eliminate laws that interfere with socialist/communist activities, discredit the FBI, police, and other law and order organizations, infiltrate and control all unions, and big business. (Goal #32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37)

Discredit the police, defund the police, and transform the power of arrest, law, and order, to social agencies. We have seen this in action for the past few months. (Goal #38)

This communist goal is playing before our eyes today

Treat all problems as psychiatric disorders, treat children with psychiatric drugs, use psychiatric diagnosis for all who oppose Marxism, discredit the family as a viable institution for the survival of our culture, promote easy divorce and promiscuity, and take children away from parents who teach them morality, patriotism, and love for our country. (Goals #39, 40, 41)

This communist goal is playing before our eyes today – “Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ‘united force’ to solve economic, political, or social problems.” (Goal #42)

BLM and ANTIFA protesters engaged in violence, destruction, arson, and looting, following the death of George Floyd during an altercation with the police. From this unfortunate event, the riots became more organized, more targeted, and better armed. The protests and riots morphed into “American society is intolerant, participates in manufactured systemic racism and white privilege and must be replaced with Marxists.”

The last three goals of communism refer to ousting colonial governments, “internationalize the Panama Canal,” and give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals. (Goals #43, 44, 45)

Marxist domestic groups destroying our cities

In a mere four months, the panic and abject fear of a flu virus have transformed Americans into obedient socialists wearing masks everywhere in stifling heat when perfectly healthy. Even the President finally gave in and said that it is patriotic to wear one and people cheered.

Americans are playing in the hands of our communist enemies, bowing obediently to Marxist domestic groups destroying our cities, to corrupt socialist politicians, socialist teachers and professors, dishonest medical professionals, and wealthy individuals with a nefarious agenda.

It is sad to say that, for our country, all but one of the communist goals W. Cleon Skousen described in 1958 have come to fruition. We are divided more than ever as a society and the domestic and international puppet masters are playing us against each other with great success.

The renowned scholar Thomas Sowell said, “Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity.”

1934, Pope Leo’s original prayer:

O Glorious Archangel St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, be our defense in the terrible warfare which we carry on against principalities and Powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, spirits of evil. Come to the aid of man, whom God created immortal, made in his own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil.

Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven.

That cruel, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan, who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels, Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he moves about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of his Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. That wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.

Those most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.

Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits. Bring help to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and Patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly conciliate the mercies of the Lord; and beating down the dragon, the ancient serpent, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen

Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers.
The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered, the root of David.
Let thy mercies be upon us, O Lord.
As we have hoped in thee.
O Lord, hear my prayer.
And let my cry come unto thee.

Let us pray.
O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon thy holy name, and as suppliants we implore thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious Archangel St. Michael, thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all other unclean spirits, who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls.

Those who are evil and do the work of demons will go to the pit and be away from God suffering for all eternity.

Those who are not evil and do not do the work of demons but lack faith and do not know God and that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior will immediately fall to their

knees and on the ground wail and gnash their teeth and cry as if a river of tears are coming from their eyes and they will be given an opportunity to repent.

Those who are faithful to God and know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior have nothing to fear, your faith is all you need.

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February 11 2021 Thu, 11 Feb 2021 15:23:48 +0000

Rubin Observatory

Hazardous Asteroids Virtual Workshop

important time marks for YouTube video:

Introduction for Dr. Robert Jedicke begins at about 18:36

virtual impactors at about 28:00

talks about JPL website,, see notes below,,    at about 30:23

major impact 32:00

the dart mission 42:44 listen very close

here comes the real meat of this whole thing 44:00

here is where he tells us about what is going on but carefully without divulging classified info to the public,, watch the body language 46:00

here is something that I find interesting as he dissects this short list of virtual impactors, he never mentions the elephant in the room,, why,, because they already know and what have we been hearing over and over about needing to get to the moon by 2024,, do they need the moon shot distraction to take away from something as well as all the political squabbling, begs to ask: was covid just a tool to keep us home so people would not be so scattered if something happened, remember the news about china launching rockets into deep space
in click with covid maybe they were successful at diverting a virtual impactor asteroid and maybe this is why there was a sort of easing with lock downs
(2007 FT3)    2024-2116    164    1.4e-6    17.06    20.0    0.340    -2.95    -3.46    0

well guess what china plans more launches to deep space, wow test test test

sow this stuff together
they use Hollywood to create a bunch of films about things harming Earth – aliens, asteroids, virus and china is the hero, the victim and sometimes the villein
Michael Bay’s 1998 sci-fi flick Armageddon,resident evil, knowing,the climate-change thriller 2012, Jack and Janet save the planet,The Wandering Earth,Pacific Rim,Transformers: Age of Extinction

china builds thousands of buildings that remain empty
Adam has covered this
china builds exact copies of major cites all over the world
Adam has covered this
a report comes out that Adam has mentioned many times about an up and coming extinction event and the USA is a big looser
Dr. Robert Jedicke has had professional careers in particle physics, astronomy, and software engineering.

He received his Ph.D. in experimental particle physics from the University of Toronto, Canada. After a brief tryout with the professional Canadian Football League’s B.C. Lions in Vancouver, he held post-doctoral positions at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, and at the University of Arizona’s Lunar & Planetary Laboratory where he worked on the Spacewatch near-Earth asteroid survey.

He spent more than five years at WYKO and Veeco Corporation in Tucson, Arizona, developing image analysis software for interferometers before accepting a faculty position at the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy.

He was the development manager of their Moving Object Processing System for the Pan-STARRS telescope on Maui that is now the world’s leading discovery system for asteroids and comets. His current research interests with TransAstra corporation involve studies related to in-space resource utilization of asteroids to provide water as fuel for spacecraft missions.

Dr Robert Jedicke

his personal homepage

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January 7 2021 Thu, 07 Jan 2021 12:41:03 +0000

January 7 2021


next the libturds will end our Constitution and bring in the New World Order

get ready to see United Nations stations, checkpoints and troops all over the USA

Trump Reportedly Promises “Orderly Transition” Of Power After Pence Certifies Biden As Next President

Republicans Raise First Objection in Congress to Biden Win


Trump: If Pence ‘Does the Right Thing, We Win’


Alex Jones Leads Largest Patriot Movement In History Through Washington DC


Videos: Trump Supporters Breach Security at Capitol Building, Clash With Riot Police

Videos: Trump Supporters Breach Security at Capitol Building, Clash With Riot Police


Trump Orders Military Tribunal For Brad Raffensperger

Trump Orders Military Tribunal For Brad Raffensperger


Ominous Iran-Related Threat To Fly Plane Into Capitol Broadcast To Air Traffic Controllers


SEE IT: BUSTED! Food delivery driver caught on camera stealing Mich. family’s

SEE IT: BUSTED! Food delivery driver caught on camera stealing Mich. family’s puppy


‘Cult Mom’ Lori Vallow hearing to disqualify prosecutor in case of dead children [VIDEO]

LIVE: ‘Cult Mom’ Lori Vallow hearing to disqualify prosecutor in case of dead children [VIDEO]


UK Going Door to Door Killing Chickens – Bird Flu as Cover Story

UK Going Door to Door Killing Chickens – Bird Flu as Cover Story


Georgia’s runoff may have saved net neutrality


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January 6 2021 Wed, 06 Jan 2021 12:59:56 +0000

January 6 2021

Iran is about to make a big mistake
and feel some serious whoop-ass


FBI launches probe after voice message picked up by air controllers threatens to FLY PLANE into US Capitol to ‘avenge Soleimani’


RERUN: Georgia Locks Poll Watchers Out, Said Dominion Machines Broke, Gave Dems Extra Voting Time, Won’t Have Results For 2-3 Days


Report: Vice President Mike Pence Does ‘Not Believe’ He Has ‘Power to Block Congressional Certification’


NASA to Air Departure of Upgraded SpaceX Cargo Dragon from Space Station


The White House’s Planetary Protection Strategy Is About Space Invaders, But Not The Kind You Think


Earth is spinning faster


South Korean Destroyer Is Now Patrolling Near The Strait Of Hormuz After Iran Seizes Tanker


WAR CRY China orders military to be ready for war ‘at any second’ as Brit aircraft carrier prepares to sail to South China Sea


Ga. Shocker: Warnock Beats Loeffler, Perdue Race Too Close to Call


Who will you trust when law and order break down and the bullets start flying?


Lockdown Cops To Stop People In The Street, Issue Fines, Target ‘Anti-lockdown, Anti-vaccine Protesters

Lockdown Cops To Stop People In The Street, Issue Fines, Target ‘Anti-lockdown, Anti-vaccine Protesters’


Trump Delivers On Promise of 450 Miles of Border Wall … But That’s Not All

Trump Delivers On Promise of 450 Miles of Border Wall … But That’s Not All


Iran Increases Nuclear Enrichment, Posing First Challenge for Incoming Biden Administration

Iran Increases Nuclear Enrichment, Posing First Challenge for Incoming Biden Administration


New House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Vows Pompeo Investigations Will Continue

New House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Vows Pompeo Investigations Will Continue


Shot & Killed: 52


Idiot Report


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January 4 2021 Mon, 04 Jan 2021 14:34:33 +0000

January 4 2021

news next

this is what the government tells us about the below articles

its real, its not real, its a conspiracy theory, its fake, its real, its not real, its real, its not real

Its going to hit, its not going to hit, it might hit, we have a plan, its not coming close to earth, its on target to enter our atmosphere, its nothing to worry about, keep paying taxes there is nothing you can do anyway, don’t worry we have a plan to keep the government working and government workers will be safe


I this why we have the Space Force ‘Guardians’

or is it something more?

Defense of the Earth – NASA will hit an asteroid in September 2021


Two Huge Asteroids the Size of the Great Pyramid of Giza Are Set to Pass Earth over next 2 Weeks,at%20a%20distance%20of%20around%201.2%20million%20miles


Asteroid Impact In Atlantic Ocean Could Wipe Out Millions, Warns Scientist,Surrounding%20Coastal%20Regions%20And%20Affecting%20Millions%20Of%20People


Killer Asteroid Hitting Earth In 2022? Here Is What NASA Says


NASA warns that a 700ft asteroid will collide with Earth in August, 2023,2023.%20But%20hold%20on%2C%20before%20you%20start%20panicking


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December 30 2020 Wed, 30 Dec 2020 13:11:41 +0000

December 30 2020

Resist the Tyrants

War With Iran Imminent

Is war with Iran imminent?

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December 29 2020 Tue, 29 Dec 2020 11:58:31 +0000

December 29 2020


Mysterious asteroid the size of a dwarf planet is lurking in our solar system


Cali Doc fired for going against Gov Covid Claims



robot that can autonomously charge electric cars


Rasmussen Poll: 72 Percent Say Trump Is Model for GOP


LG’s new ‘QNED’ TVs will have up to nearly 30,000 tiny LEDs behind the screen


Bigger Pandemic Than COVID Is Coming


Listen to Art Bell for free
no strings attached, no registering, no cookies just listen


The War Room With Owen Shroyer


New World Order is here

the only thing that will save humanity is God and this ant it

President Trump signs massive $2.3T govt. spending bill extending COVID relief

President Trump signs massive $2.3T govt. spending bill extending COVID relief


Cousin on Cousin crime in the safe gun free city of Chicago
Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 714


but its not all hate


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December 25 2020 Fri, 25 Dec 2020 12:02:33 +0000

December 25 2020


Merry Christmas


EMP Alert! Washington on edge as hackers penetrate nuclear secrets

Trump ‘Resolved’ in Election Challenge, Says Pa. Lawmaker Who Met With Him


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December 24 2020 Thu, 24 Dec 2020 16:33:10 +0000

December 24 2020

Merry Christmas

Trump has no plan to stop the takeover of The USA

Is this a Chess move or blind ignorance?

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December 23 2020 Wed, 23 Dec 2020 10:58:11 +0000

December 23 2020

Merry Christmas

Keep the USA Great is continuing


Top Catholic Cardinal Warns COVID-19 Being Used to Usher in “Evil” Great Reset

Top Catholic Cardinal Warns COVID-19 Being Used to Usher in “Evil” Great Reset


BBC Publishes Cringe Guide For ‘Talking To Conspiracy Theorist Relatives’ At Christmas

BBC Publishes Cringe Guide For ‘Talking To Conspiracy Theorist Relatives’ At Christmas


Leading Virologists Concerned New Strains of COVID Could Make Vaccines “Ineffective”


Congress divided over President Trump’s upcoming veto of defense bill

Congress divided over President Trump’s upcoming veto of defense bill


Trump Calls Virus Stimulus ‘Disgrace,’ Calling for Heftier Relief Checks


Senate Effort to Stop Trump Arms Sales to UAE Fails

Senate Effort to Stop Trump Arms Sales to UAE Fails


When Demons Conspire to Take Over a Nation …There’s Only One Option


Stunning Photos From ‘Great Conjunction’ of Jupiter and Saturn on Monday Brighten Spirits in December

Stunning Photos From ‘Great Conjunction’ of Jupiter and Saturn on Monday Brighten Spirits in December


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